Apr 27, 2023Liked by Wayne William Tucker

Hi Wayne: Have you any information on Cato Dick Winslow born 1765 MARSHFIELD , MA

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Hi, Karl -

Thanks for reading Open Notebook and reaching out! I appreciate it.

I've checked for Cato/Dick Winslow in all of my usual sources, and he seems like a digital ghost; I can't find him anywhere.

Where did you encounter this name, Karl?

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Wayne William Tucker

Hi Wayne..........Thank you kindly for replying! Later this evening I will search what information I can gather. I am originally from Hanover MA.........Class of 1960 HHS.................moved to Reno NV after the Blizzard 78...........I have started a family search on Ancestry.............I give my permission to for you to search my profile...................I know this is a timely effort....................................................Would you be kind enough to quote me a cost...............................Thank you, Karl N Brevick SR

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Wayne William Tucker

PS Supposably....Cato is my 4th Great grandfather.

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Oh, amazing! I have visited photographed the three Winslow men who served in the Civil War.

Karl, please send me an email with a link to your profile. I can't find it in search and maybe it's private.

I just found a few things that may be helpful, but I want to see if you already have that material.


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Hi Wayne................have errands,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,will search later this evening. Kindest regards, Karl PS Richard Winslow is my 2nd Great grandfather................................

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Wayne William Tucker

Hello Wayne, I change my Ancestry account to "public."..................................................I will change back to private in a few days........I will send password if the public setting is incorrect............Many thanks...........Karl

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